Bushido Blade

Embrace the Way of the Bushido Blade

Toly tweeted Bushido Blade as his all time favorite anime.


Welcome to Bushido Blade Token, a heartfelt tribute to the favorite anime of Solana's founder, Toly. Immerse yourself in the seamless fusion of the ancient Bushido code and cutting-edge Solana blockchain technology.
As Toly's cherished anime comes to life in the digital realm, join us on a one-of-a-kind adventure where honor, innovation, and the spirit of Solana converge. Explore the world of Bushido Blade Token – where tradition meets the future on the Solana blockchain.

Contract Address:


0/0 Tax

Mint Revoked

LP Burnt


Phase 1: Token Launch - "Awakening the Blade"
Deploy Bushido Blade token on Solana.
Establish a v1 website and logo inspired by Toly's favorite anime.
Initiate community engagement through social media.
Conduct giveaways and airdrop competitions to enable initial awareness.

Phase 2: Community Expansion - "Rising Warriors"
Continue community engagement on social media.
Encourage meme creation and sharing related to Toly's favorite anime.
Explore partnerships with anime-themed communities.
Host virtual events or AMAs to connect with the community.

Phase 3: Recognition and Integration - "Becoming Legends"
Amplify meme campaigns to gain wider recognition.
Collaborate with influencers or content creators in the anime space.
Feature Bushido Blade in relevant forums and online communities.
Explore simple community-driven initiatives to enhance engagement.

Phase 4: Eternal Tribute - "Legendary Status"
Maintain and nurture the community spirit.
Host special events or challenges commemorating Toly's favorite anime.
Celebrate milestones and anniversaries with the community.
Continue to honor the anime theme in branding and communication.

© Copyright 2024 | Bushido Blade | All rights Reserved